A back brace is a device designed to support the wearer's back. You may need it to prevent work-related injuries or manage certain health conditions. According to a study, the device is beneficial in treating scoliosis. However, you should only use it as per your doctor's recommendation. Also, ensure that you know the right way to use a back brace.

Do You Need a Back Brace?

Back braces can be helpful in reducing pain and encouraging correct posture and spine alignment. This device is usually equipped with compression bands, metals or plastic. They can be either prefabricated or custom-fitted.

lumbar brace

You may need one if you have had spine trauma, posture issues or work-related activities that make you at risk for back injury or strain. We recommend speaking to a medical professional to help you determine if you need a back brace. 

How it works:

A back brace can help reduce pressure from your spinal structures by transferring the weight from the back to your abdomen. It reduces muscle tension as a result and alleviates the pain. Back braces offer exceptional support and pain relief for people who suffer from scoliosis, herniated disc, muscle strains, muscle atrophy and other common back conditions that cause lower back pain. It helps prevent future injuries by unloading painful pressure on vital muscle groups and tissues.

lumbar spine

One of the disadvantages of wearing back support is that it can discourage you to use your core muscles for supporting your body. Unless you have had major injuries, these devices are only recommended for short-term use. Prolonged use of this device may lead to dependence and eventually result in having weakened muscles. If you're thinking about wearing one, contact a medical professional for the best advice. 

How to Wear a Back Brace Correctly 

Back braces provide support for your back and spine. But how do you wear it properly and prevent irritation? We have helpful tips below. 

1. Follow your physician's instructions on how to wear the back brace to get optimal support, and when to take it off. He may advise you on what activities you should or shouldn't do when wearing the device or if it's best to sleep wearing it. 

2. When wearing the back support, make sure it covers your entire back and the tailbone. These areas play a role in helping you achieve good posture. If you're still having lower back pains even while wearing the brace, it could be an indication that you haven't been wearing the device properly. 

support belt

If you need help in putting it on or removing it, don't hesitate to seek help from friends or coworkers. 

3. If it's your first time wearing a back brace, apply rubbing alcohol to toughen up the skin and prevent irritation. You may have to keep doing this for at least a few weeks. Also, ensure that your skin is clean to prevent developing blisters. Try not to wear lotion under the back brace as moisture can only lead to sores and irritation.

4. When wearing the device, don't suck in your stomach or you'll end up with an ill-fitting back brace. Relax and stay in a neutral position while wearing your brace. Better yet, have a family member help you wear it. Don't wear the device too tight as that will likely make you uncomfortable too. 

5. To prevent skin irritation, wear a shirt underneath your back brace. Choose cotton fabric and not tight clothing. Unless you're doing fieldwork, stay indoors in an air-conditioned room. 

How to Clean the Back Brace

To extend the lifespan of your brace, always follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to properly clean the device. Most braces are usually not designed for the washing machine so you may need to hand-wash them with mild soap and water. Remove the padding (if there are any) or panels before washing them. The device should be hung to dry or laid flat. 

How to Choose the Right Back Brace

When choosing the right back brace, follow your doctor's recommendation. 

Size and Fit

How to Choose a Back Brace to Improve Posture & Reduce Pain

You will often see back braces in universal sizes and equipped with adjustable belt wings to ensure the wearer is comfortable. Some people may need to have the back brace custom-made for them. 

Maintenance and Durability

While most back braces are not designed for machine wash, you may find some models that are machine-washable. Your device will last longer with proper maintenance. Braces with Velcro might wear out faster than other models. Consider having a stretchy back brace as they usually last longer than their counterparts. 

Level of Support

wearing the right kind of back brace

Some back braces are flexible while others can be rigid. The latter is usually for people with moderate-to-severe back pains or those with major traumatic accidents. We recommend talking to your doctor about which back brace is suitable for you. 

Benefits of Wearing Back Braces

If you have osteoporosis, back muscle sprains, scoliosis or spinal cord injuries, a doctor may recommend you get a back brace for better back support. Below are the benefits of wearing back braces:

Prevents Back Pain

lower torso back pain

Back pains can make performing daily tasks painful and impossible for some people. Depending on the cause of back pain, it may range from mild to severe. If you've been having back pains, consider talking to your doctor about wearing a back brace. These devices can help your spine and lower back, providing adequate support and alleviating back pain. 

Improves Posture

Back brace improves posture

Good posture involves sitting in an upright position, chest up, core tucked in, and shoulders back. However, some people like to slouch instead. Over time, slouching results in bad posture and back pains. When not addressed, it can make you prone to more injuries and may even lead to deformities. The most effective way to have proper spine alignment is by wearing a back brace. So long as you wear the device properly, it can significantly improve your posture. 

Strengthens Your Back

Wearing back support is beneficial for people that want to get in better shape. If you don't have a strong core, your back can suffer. This can eventually lead to more pain and injury. The only way to take the pressure off your back is by wearing a back brace, which forces your abdominal muscles to take the pressure off your back. It strengthens your spine as a result.

One of the Best Options

Some people may resort to getting surgery and other treatments. You can avoid costly medical treatment by wearing a back brace to strengthen your back muscles. We do recommend that you speak to a medical professional before wearing one. 

How Long to Wear a Back Brace

Only wear your back brace as advised. Avoid wearing it for too long or you may become too reliant on it. You might only lose muscle strength and experience more back pains. Talk to your doctor about it. 

Contact us if you need accessories for back support.